What are Employers Looking For in a Job Interview - Broke in London

What are Employers Looking For in a Job Interview

Improve your job interview performance to land that job!

By Craig from Jobulo

When going into job interviews, it can be hard to judge what an employer is looking for. You can end up having your head filled with conflicting ideas of what to say or how to be, and this can make you even more nervous than you already are – not a good look. Help is at hand. In this article we’ll go into what employers are looking to see from job candidates and how you can prepare for a job interview in a focused way. This preparation also means that you’ll be less nervous on the day which should mean a greater chance of landing that job role you’ve been after. These are general guidelines that can hold you in good stead for almost any job interview, however you will still need to think about the industry you’re applying to work in and adjust or add to this checklist with some industry specific preparation plans.


Creating a professional looking CV is the key to getting invited to an interview but once you have that interview confirmed turning up on time is vital. First impressions can really stick in the mind and if you’re late and disorganised this can put you at a major disadvantage straight away. Ensure you plan your route to the interview carefully and leave early to allow for traffic or any travel hiccups you may encounter along the way.

#Dress Code

An incredibly important part of the first impression an employer forms of you is your appearance. Dressing appropriately is a key element to getting things right at your job interview. Have a think about the company you’re applying to work for. What is the work environment like? What would you be expected to wear on the average work-day there? Think about these things as you plan your outfit for the day and aim to impress but dress to fit the job role.

#Back Up Your CV and Cover Letter

It’s highly likely your prospective employer will ask you some questions relating to the information you’ve included in your cover letter and CV. These could be questions relating to your experience or qualifications. Ensure you know your your CV and covering letter well and be prepared to answer these questions with the job role in mind. Mentioning how your credentials could be used to impact positively in your potential new employment will be a sure fire way to impress at interview.

5 Reasons why CV Design is Important

#Listen Well

Some people can be so nervous in an interview that they end up talking too much and forget to listen! Be sure to listen to the employer’s points and use that information to build up a picture of the company ethos and the job role you could be working in. By listening more you’ll inevitably pick up tips and information that can improve your interview technique and social skills in general. It will also show that you are keen to learn.

#Ask Your Own Questions

You’ll undoubtedly have a few questions about the specifics of the job role and the company you could be working for so don’t be afraid to ask them. You should prepare questions for the job interview to show that you are interested in the position. This demonstrates that you’re an astute individual that isn’t afraid to query issues if further clarification is needed. Not only will this help to impress the employer but you’ll gain the necessary information to decide whether this role really is for you.

Tip: Remember the job interview isn’t just for the employer to grill you – you are also interviewing them! Take this opportunity to learn all you can about the job role and the company’s culture so that you can make a measured decision on whether the job is for you.


You may also want to check out our job hunting tips.
